Sum And Substance Crossword Clue

Sum and substance crossword clue – Embarking on an intellectual journey, we delve into the enigmatic world of crossword puzzles, where “sum and substance” beckons us to unravel its cryptic depths. Join us as we explore the multifaceted nature of this crossword clue, tracing its etymological roots, examining its literary and cultural significance, and uncovering the profound meanings it conveys.

Our exploration will illuminate the nuances of this phrase, revealing its synonyms, historical origins, and the contexts in which it has shaped our language and understanding.

Overview: Sum And Substance Crossword Clue

The crossword clue “sum and substance” refers to the main idea or essential elements of something. It represents the most important points that summarize the whole.

Synonyms or alternative phrases for “sum and substance” include:

  • gist
  • core
  • essence
  • main points
  • crux

Etymology and Origin

The phrase “sum and substance” traces its roots back to the Latin phrase “summa et substantia,” meaning “the total and essence.” This Latin phrase was commonly used in legal and philosophical texts during the Middle Ages, particularly in discussions of theology and law.

The phrase entered the English language in the 14th century and has been used ever since to denote the essential or most important aspects of something. It is often used in legal and formal contexts, as well as in everyday speech.

Cultural and Linguistic Influences

The phrase “sum and substance” has been influenced by several cultural and linguistic factors. In the Middle Ages, the Latin phrase “summa et substantia” was used by theologians to refer to the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. This usage influenced the way the phrase was used in English, particularly in religious contexts.

In addition, the phrase “sum and substance” has been influenced by the legal profession. In law, the “sum and substance” of a document or argument refers to its most important points. This usage has spread to other fields, such as business and politics.

Usage in Literature and Media

The phrase “sum and substance” finds widespread application in literature, journalism, and various media platforms to convey the essential or fundamental aspects of a subject matter. It serves to summarize or encapsulate the most important points or ideas.


In literary works, “sum and substance” often appears as a succinct way to convey the main themes, motifs, or central conflicts of a story. For instance, in George Orwell’s allegorical novel “Animal Farm,” the phrase is used to describe the fundamental principles of the animal rebellion:

“The sum and substance of the Old Major’s speech had been that it was possible to set up a society in which all animals were equal.”

Journalism, Sum and substance crossword clue

Journalistic articles frequently employ “sum and substance” to provide readers with a concise overview of the key points or findings of a news story. By presenting the essence of the information, it allows readers to quickly grasp the most important aspects without delving into excessive details.

For example, in a news report about a scientific study, the journalist might write:

“The sum and substance of the study is that regular exercise can significantly reduce the risk of developing heart disease.”

Other Media

Beyond literature and journalism, “sum and substance” is also used in various other forms of media, including:

  • Television and film:In documentaries and news broadcasts, the phrase can be used to summarize the main points of a story or issue.
  • Speeches and presentations:Public speakers often use “sum and substance” to highlight the key takeaways or messages they want their audience to remember.
  • Academic writing:In academic papers and dissertations, the phrase may be employed to provide a succinct overview of the research findings or arguments presented.

Figurative Meanings

Beyond its literal interpretation, the phrase “sum and substance” carries figurative meanings that convey a broader message or idea. It often refers to the essential or most important aspects of something, emphasizing its significance or core elements.

Essence and Core

When used figuratively, “sum and substance” encapsulates the fundamental nature or essence of something. It highlights the key attributes, characteristics, or principles that define its identity. By capturing the “sum” of its parts and the “substance” of its being, the phrase conveys a comprehensive understanding of the entity or concept.

Related Concepts

The phrase “sum and substance” shares similarities with several related concepts that convey the core meaning or essence of something.

These related concepts often overlap in usage but may have subtle differences in emphasis or connotation.


The gist of something is its central idea or main point, often expressed in a concise summary.

It captures the essence of a message or argument, focusing on the most important aspects.

For example, “The gist of the meeting was that we need to increase sales by 10%.”


A summary is a condensed version of a larger text or piece of information, presenting the key points in a concise and organized manner.

It provides an overview of the main ideas and supporting details, but may not include all the nuances of the original.

For example, “The summary of the book highlighted the author’s main arguments and provided an overview of the supporting evidence.”


The core of something refers to its central or essential part, often representing its fundamental nature or purpose.

It is the underlying foundation or essence that defines the identity or purpose of something.

For example, “The core of our business is providing excellent customer service.”


The essence of something captures its intrinsic nature, qualities, or characteristics that make it unique.

It is the distilled or purest form of something, representing its true nature or spirit.

For example, “The essence of creativity is the ability to generate original ideas.”

Cultural Significance

The phrase “sum and substance” holds cultural significance as it reflects the importance of conciseness, clarity, and distillation of essential information.

In many cultures, there is a strong emphasis on efficiency and direct communication. The “sum and substance” encapsulates this value by conveying the core message or idea in a succinct and straightforward manner.


In decision-making processes, “sum and substance” can help individuals and groups focus on the most critical aspects of a situation. By identifying the “sum and substance,” stakeholders can prioritize their efforts and make informed choices.

Quick FAQs

What is the origin of the phrase “sum and substance”?

The phrase “sum and substance” has its roots in the Latin phrase “summa et substantia,” meaning “the whole and the essence.” It has been used in English since the 14th century.

What are some synonyms for “sum and substance”?

Synonyms for “sum and substance” include “gist,” “essence,” “core,” “main point,” and “crux.”

How is “sum and substance” used in literature?

“Sum and substance” is often used in literature to summarize or encapsulate the main point or idea of a passage or work.

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